Accessibility Statement

Compliance status

This accessibility declaration applies to current website.
This website is not compliant with the Référentiel Général d'Amélioration de l'Accessibilité (RGAA) version 4.1.2. 
Details of the audit findings are given below.

Audit results

The compliance audit carried out by Wavestone on 13 February 2024 on the site in production revealed that 26% of the applicable criteria of RGAA version 4.1.2 were met. 
This score corresponds to an Access-Score value of E.

Multi-Year Plan 2024-2026

CMA CGM is currently working on a comprehensive remediation plan for all of its assets, which will result in a detailed roadmap for 2024-2026 by the end of 2025.

Non-compliant criteria

List of non-compliant criteria

  1. 1 Criteria 1.1: Is there a text alternative for every image that provides information?
  2. 2 Criteria 1.2: Is every decorative image correctly ignored by assistive technologies?
  3. 3 Criteria 1.3: For each information-bearing image with a text alternative, is this alternative relevant (excluding special cases)?
  4. 4 Criteria 1.6: Does each image carrying information have a detailed description, if necessary?
  5. 5 Criteria 2.1: Does each frame have a frame title?
  6. 6 Criteria 2.2: For each frame with a frame title, is this frame title relevant?
  7. 7 Criteria 3.1: On every web page, information doesn't have to be provided by color alone. Is this rule respected?
  8. 8 Criteria 3.2: On each web page, is the contrast between text color and background color sufficiently high (excluding special cases)?
  9. 9 Criteria 3.3: In each web page, are the color used in interface components or graphic elements carrying information sufficiently contrasting (excluding special cases)?
  10. 10 Criteria 4.8: Does each non-temporal medium have an alternative, if necessary (excluding special cases)?
  11. 11 Criteria 4.12: Is it possible to control the viewing of non-temporal media using the keyboard or any other pointing device?
  12. 12 Criteria 4.13: Are all temporal and non-temporal media compatible with assistive technologies (excluding special cases)?
  13. 13 Criteria 5.1: Does every complex data table have a summary?
  14. 14 Criteria 5.3: For each formatting table, is the linearized content still comprehensible?
  15. 15 Criteria 5.5: For each data table with a title, is it relevant?
  16. 16 Criteria 5.6: For each data table, are each column header and each row header correctly declared?
  17. 17 Criteria 5.7: For each data table, is the appropriate technique used to associate each cell with its headers (excluding special cases)?
  18. 18 Criteria 5.8: Each formatting table must not use elements specific to data tables. Is this rule respected?
  19. 19 Criteria 6.1: Is every link explicit (except in special cases)?
  20. 20 Criteria 6.2: Does every link on every web page have a content?
  21. 21 Criteria 7.1: Is every script compatible with assistive technologies, if necessary?
  22. 22 Criteria 7.3: Can each script be controlled from the keyboard or any other pointing device (except in special cases)?
  23. 23 Criteria 7.4: For each script that initiates a context switch, is the user warned or does he have control over it?
  24. 24 Criteria 7.5: On each web page, are status messages correctly rendered by assistive technologies?
  25. 25 Criteria 8.1: Is every web page defined by a document type?
  26. 26 Criteria 8.2: For each web page, is the generated source code valid for the specified document type (excluding special cases)?
  27. 27 Criteria 8.3: Is the default language present on every web page?
  28. 28 Criteria 8.4: For each web page with a default language, is the language code relevant?
  29. 29 Criteria 8.6: For each web page with a page title, is the title relevant?
  30. 30 Criteria 8.7: Is every language change indicated in the source code of every web page (except in special cases)?
  31. 31 Criteria 8.8: In each web page, is the language code for each language change valid and relevant?
  32. 32 Criteria 8.9: On every web page, tags must not be used solely for presentation purposes. Is this rule respected?
  33. 33 Criteria 9.1: Is the information on each web page structured by the appropriate use of headings?
  34. 34 Criteria 9.2: Is the structure of each web page consistent (excluding special cases)?
  35. 35 Criteria 9.3: Is every list on every web page properly structured?
  36. 36 Criteria 10.2: In every web page, does the visible, information-carrying content remain present when style sheets are deactivated?
  37. 37 Criteria 10.3: Does the information on each web page remain comprehensible when style sheets are deactivated?
  38. 38 Criteria 10.4: On every web page, does the text remain legible when the font size is increased to at least 200% (excluding special cases)?
  39. 39 Criteria 10.6: On every web page, is every link whose nature is not obvious visible in relation to the surrounding text?
  40. 40 Criteria 10.7: In each web page, for each element receiving focus, is the focus visible?
  41. 41 Criteria 10.8: For each web page, are hidden contents intended to be ignored by assistive technologies?
  42. 42 Criteria 11.1: Does each form field have a label?
  43. 43 Criteria 11.2: Is every label associated with a form field relevant (excluding special cases)?
  44. 44 Criteria 11.6: In each form, does each grouping of fields of the same type have a caption?
  45. 45 Criteria 11.9: In each form, is the title of each button relevant (excluding special cases)?
  46. 46 Criteria 11.10: In each form, is the input control used appropriately (excluding special cases)?
  47. 47 Criteria 11.11: In each form, is the input check accompanied, if necessary, by suggestions for correcting input errors?
  48. 48 Criteria 11.13: Can the purpose of an input field be inferred to facilitate automatic filling of fields with user data?
  49. 49 Criteria 12.1: Does each set of pages have at least two different navigation systems (excluding special cases)?
  50. 50 Criteria 12.2: In each set of pages, are the menu and navigation bars always in the same place (except in special cases)?
  51. 51 Criteria 12.3: Is the "site map" page relevant?
  52. 52 Criteria 12.4: In each set of pages, can the "site map" page be reached in the same way?
  53. 53 Criteria 12.5: Can the search engine be reached in the same way on each set of pages?
  54. 54 Criteria 12.6: Can content grouping zones present on several web pages (header, main navigation, main content, footer, and search engine zones) be reached or avoided?
  55. 55 Criteria 12.7: Is every web page equipped with an escape or quick-access link to the main content area (excluding special cases)?
  56. 56 Criteria 12.8: Is the tab order consistent on every web page?
  57. 57 Criteria 12.9: On every web page, navigation should be free of keyboard traps. Is this rule respected?

Drawing up this declaration of accessibility

Technologies used

The following technologies are used on the site:

  1. 1 HTML5
  2. 2 CSS
  3. 3 JavaScript (client and generation page framework)

Test environment

The rendering of content using assistive technologies has been tested in accordance with the methodology (RGAA 4.1.2):

  1. 1 MS-Windows 10
  2. 2 Jaws 2023
  3. 3 Google Chrome

The tests were carried out on MS-Windows 10 and Linux Fedora 40.

Tools for auditing accessibility

The following tools were used to check accessibility: 

  1. 1 Web Browsers: Mozilla-Firefox, Waterfox, Google-Chrome
  2. 2 Extensions: Web developper Tool Bar (Mozilla-Firefox et Google-Chrome)
  3. 3 LightHouse (Google-Chrome)
  4. 4 ARC ToolKit (Google-Chrome)
  5. 5 Axe Dev Tools (Google-Chrome)
  6. 6 Kontrast
  7. 7 Wave / Aim (Mozilla-Firefox)
  8. 8 JAWS 2023
  9. 9 O·C·A·A

Site pages used for compliance verification

Feedback and contact

If you are unable to access any content or service, you can contact the site manager to be directed to an accessible alternative or to obtain the content in another form.


Under French law, this procedure is to be used in the following case: you have notified the website manager of a lack of accessibility that is preventing you from accessing content or one of the portal's services and you have not received a satisfactory response. 

Write a message to the Human Rights Defender. 

Contact the Rights Defender delegate in your region. 

Send a letter by post (free of charge, do not put a stamp on it) to: Défenseur des droits, Libre réponse 71120, 75342 Paris Cedex 07.

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