Local Services
Local Offers
CMA CGM Poland Inland Network offers its customers a one-stop solution to meet their global transport requirements in offering a full door to door service.
Inland solutions, fully integrated with shipping services, are available on the entire national territory by rail and road guaranteeing seamless service.
Current intermodal network is based on two main HUB terminals in Poznań and Kutno, connected with Gdynia (GCT) and Gdansk (DCT) ports by rail.
Secondary terminals are located within or in the nearest surroundings of major cities: Warsaw, Wroclaw, Krakow, Katowice and Rzeszow.
Most of inland terminals provide complete range of services - depot, maintenance & repair, local trucking.
Since 2018, we offer direct weekly rail service connecting DCT Gdansk with Czech Republic and Slovakia. Connection from GCT Gdynia is available on request.
Line Services
We offer a worldwide coverage to all ports in the world.
CMA CGM Group offers direct deep-sea service linking Poland with Asia, two feeder connections with main European ports and two dedicated short-sea services calling UK and Spain.
FAL5 (French Asia Line 5) is a weekly service connecting directly Poland (Gdansk DCT terminal) with the Far East market. It offers reliable space and short transit time to our customers.