Export Information Guide
CMA CGM Tunisia offers an efficient and professional service adapted to the specific needs of our customers. To better support our customers throughout their export operations, we put at your disposal an explanatory guide to the different stages of the export cycle.
Before the cutt-off
- Quotation request
- Offer receipt
- Confirmation of booking via our e-business platform
- Validation of booking via the Booking service
- Withdrawal of empty container
- BL details sent via e-business platform
- Shipping instructions(SI)
After the cutt-off
- Draft reception published on E-business in case of approval or rectification
- Entry of container to the port
- Filing the export documents to the authority
- PS: Scoring the export list via STAM. If a problem occurs (unregistered customs formalities /unfound container in port/lack of lead), customer service will notify its customers
. Receipt of the notification from Cma Cgm Tunisia:
- In case of boarding: export invoice sent by export documentation to the customer
- In case of no boarding: customer service will inform the clients about the no boarding of their containers
- Invoice payment
- Customer will receive the original BLs in exchange for the invoice payment + discharge (stamp+ signature)