Panama Canal Transit Surcharge - From South America West Coast to South America East Coast, USA & Canada

Price and Surcharge Updates

The Panama Canal Authority has introduced a new booking reservation system – the Long-Term Slot Allocation (LoTSA) - to regulate canal crossing reservations. This system, effective from January 1, 2025, has led to a significant increase in CMA CGM operational costs.

To recover this extra cost and keep providing you with our most reliable services transiting through Panama Canal, CMA CGM will implement a Panama Canal Transit surcharge from January 1st, 2025, on the following trades:


Effective January 1st, 2025


- From: South America West Coast

- Via: Panama Canal

- To: South America East Coast

- Cargo: all

- Amount: USD 150 per TEU


- From: South America West Coast

- Via: Panama Canal

- To: Guyana North Brazil

- Cargo: all

- Amount: USD 150 per TEU



Effective January 5th, 2025


- From: South America West Coast

- Via: Panama Canal

- To: USA & Canada

- Cargo: all

- Amount: USD 150 per TEU


Please do not hesitate to contact your CMA CGM local representative for further information.

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