Compensate your emissions

Choose CARBON OFFSET to compensate your outstanding carbon emissions through a portfolio of environmental projects worldwide.

  • Offset your emissions through sustainable projects


    Compensate your remaining emissions through a portfolio of projects in partnership with companies that specialize in carbon offsetting. All projects are certified with the highest standards.

  • Collect your personalized offsetting declaration


    Get a personalized declaration with your Offsetting Certificate attesting the amount of tonnes of carbon offset.

How does it work?

  1. 1 By choosing CARBON OFFSET, you will receive your personalized offsetting declaration confirming you have offset the carbon emissions of your maritime transport through a portfolio of projects carefully selected by CMA CGM.
  2. 2 The Group has purchased Verified (or Certified) Emission Reductions (VERs or CERs), which are then removed from an official registry, such as Verified Carbon Standard.

Discover our CARBON OFFSET projects


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